Tip #4 Do you need an IV or are you Hydrated?

Tip #4 Do you need an IV or are you Hydrated?

Hey Fit Fam! My name’s Michael Okeugo. I’m a hydration specialist and I’ve got a question for you.

How much water have you had today? 

Hopefully, now you’re feeling thirsty. Not that type of thirsty, hydration thirsty! Now go grab some water, drink up and let’s keep this going.

Our number one water tip is so simple but so real. Keep your water bottle filled and within arm's reach! Now don’t just look at that bottle, use it, and then refill it.

Take a look at the picture above. Where do you fall under? Hopefully above the “Might need to get an IV going!”

Bottom line: clear or almost clear urine is Good. On the other hand, Brown n Yellow kill a fellow :)- 

On average, our brains are 80% water, our bodies are 60% water, and our bones are 30% water! 

Staying hydrated reduces fatigue, promotes healthy brain function, increases energy levels, and improves overall skin health. Every cell in your body was water from your gray matter to your fangs. 

So how much water do we need? 

Try drinking a minimum of half your body weight in water ounces or we recommend 80-120 ounces a day, depending on body size and activity levels. Personally, I’m 300 pounds and drink 200 oz of water a day.

If you don't like the taste of water, add lemon juice, green tea, or try LMNT which is flavored electrolytes. Not everybody likes plain water.

I hope you enjoyed this tip of the week If you’re picking up what I’m putting down, share this with a friend… remember brown and yellow…. Hands up!

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