Where Do You Lose Fat First When You Start Working Out?

Where Do You Lose Fat First When You Start Working Out?

When embarking on a fitness journey, one of the most common curiosities is about fat loss — specifically, where does one start losing fat first when they begin working out? This question is not just about physical appearance — it’s deeply rooted in understanding how our bodies respond to changes in diet and exercise.

At My Fit Foods, we know that losing fat and getting healthier isn't just about hitting the gym; it’s about the synergy between consistent physical activity, nutritional choices, and how they collectively sculpt your body.

In this guide, we’ll unravel the layers of fat loss, from what body fat really means to the factors that influence where you might notice those changes first.

Understanding Body Fat and Fat Loss

Body fat is more than just a number on a scale. It's a vital component of our body.

Let’s break it down:

  • Subcutaneous Fat: This is the fat you can pinch — it sits just under the skin. While it may be the bane for many looking for leaner contours, it serves important functions like insulating and protecting our bodies.
  • Visceral Fat: This type isn't visible from the outside. It wraps around your internal organs and, in excess, can pose significant health risks like heart disease and diabetes.

Fat loss occurs when you create a calorie deficit — burning more calories than you consume. This process triggers your body to convert stored fat into energy, reducing fat cells throughout the body.

It's about fewer calories and a balanced diet rich in nutrients that promotes efficient and healthy weight loss.

What Factors Influence Fat Loss?

Several key factors play into where and how you lose fat first. Understanding these can help set realistic expectations for your weight loss journey:

  • Genetics: Just like eye color, your genes influence fat distribution in your body. They can predetermine your propensity to store fat in certain areas.
  • Gender: Men and women store fat differently, primarily due to hormonal differences. Estrogen in women leads to fat being stored in the thighs and hips, while men typically accumulate more around the abdomen.
  • Body Composition: Everyone’s body is unique. Your muscle mass, current fat percentage, and overall body composition dictate how quickly and where you’ll notice fat reduction.
  • Age: As we age, metabolic rate changes and fat distribution shifts, often resulting in more abdominal fat.
  • Lifestyle: Factors like stress levels, sleep patterns, and overall lifestyle choices directly impact fat loss.

Where Are the Common Areas of Early Fat Loss?

When you start working out and eating right, the journey of fat loss begins, but it doesn't happen uniformly across the body.

Typically, the first noticeable changes occur in:

  • The Midsection: For many, the belly is the first area where fat starts to diminish. This is partly because it's a common place for the body to store visceral fat, which can be more metabolically active and responsive to exercise and diet changes.
  • The Face: Another early sign of fat loss is often seen in the face. A slimmer face can become noticeable as subcutaneous fat reduces, giving more definition to your facial features.

These areas might show changes first due to their higher concentration of fat cells and the body's natural response to calorie deficit and increased physical activity. However, everyone's body reacts differently, and these are just general trends.

What Is the Role of Diet and Exercise in Fat Loss?

In the quest to lose fat, diet and exercise are two pillars that work hand-in-hand. At My Fit Foods, we're all about harmonizing these elements to help you on your weight loss journey.

Let's break down how they contribute to fat loss:


What you eat plays a crucial role in fat loss. Creating a calorie deficit is essential, but it's not just about eating fewer calories. It's about making those calories count.

A diet rich in nutrients, balanced with the right mix of proteins, carbs, and fats, fuels your body and aids in fat-burning. We craft our meals to align with these principles, offering a variety of options that cater to a healthy diet while satisfying your taste buds.


Physical activity is the engine that accelerates fat loss. Different forms of exercise contribute in various ways:

  • Cardiovascular/Aerobic Exercise: Activities like running, cycling, or swimming increase your heart rate and burn calories, making them excellent for tackling body fat, especially visceral fat around your midsection.
  • Strength Training/Resistance Training: Building muscle mass through exercises like weight lifting or bodyweight routines boosts your metabolic rate. More muscle means your body burns more calories at rest, aiding in fat loss and improving overall body composition.
  • High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT):This involves short bursts of intense activity followed by rest. HIIT not only burns a significant amount of calories in a short period but also keeps your metabolism elevated long after the workout is over.

Combining Diet and Exercise

For effective fat loss, a synergy between diet and exercise is key. While exercise burns calories and builds muscle, a nutritious diet ensures you have the energy for workouts and aids in recovery. It’s a cycle where each component supports the other.

At My Fit Foods, we understand that managing both diet and exercise can be challenging. That's why we offer meal solutions that complement your exercise routine, making it easier to stay on track with your fat loss goals.

Whether you're doing cardio, HIIT, or strength training, our meals provide the nutritional support you need to maximize your efforts and see results where it matters.

Myths and Misconceptions About Fat Loss

Fat loss is often shrouded in myths that can derail your fitness goals.

Let's clear the air:

  • Spot Reduction Works: Many believe that exercises like crunches can melt away belly fat. However, spot reduction — losing fat in a specific area through targeted exercises — is not scientifically feasible. Fat loss occurs uniformly across the body based on genetics and overall body composition.
  • All Fats Are Bad: Another misconception is categorizing all fats as harmful. In reality, your body needs healthy fats for energy and to support cell growth. It’s the type and amount of fat consumed that matters.
  • More Exercise Equals More Fat Loss: While exercise is crucial, overdoing it without a balanced diet can lead to exhaustion and injury. A moderate, consistent exercise routine paired with a nutritious diet is the key to sustainable fat loss.

Monitoring Your Progress Beyond the Scale

While the scale can tell you how much you weigh, it doesn’t provide the whole picture of your fat loss journey.

Consider these other indicators:

  • Body Measurements: Changes in waistline, hips, and other body parts often indicate fat loss more accurately than scale weight.
  • Energy Levels: Improved stamina and energy are signs of increased fitness and efficient metabolism.
  • Overall Well-Being: Feeling stronger, healthier, and more confident are invaluable indicators of progress in your fitness journey.

Remember, these changes reflect a true transformation and are testimony to your hard work and dedication.


Embarking on a fat loss journey often sparks the question, "Where do you lose weight first?" The answer lies in understanding how your body burns fat across different areas of the body. Each journey is unique, shaped by personal factors and lifestyle choices.

At My Fit Foods, we're dedicated to supporting you with meals that fuel your body effectively for this journey. Whether you're working with a personal trainer or navigating the path independently, our nutritious meals are designed to complement your fitness goals, helping you burn fat efficiently and sustainably.

Join us in embracing a healthier lifestyle, where fat loss is part of a comprehensive journey toward wellness!


Subcutaneous Fat: What You Need to Know About the Fat Beneath Your Skin | Cleveland Clinic

Visceral Fat: What It is & How to Get Rid of It | Cleveland Clinic

What Is Calorie Deficit? | Cleveland Clinic

Sex differences in human adipose tissues | PMC

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

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About Author: Mario Mendias

Mario was a personal trainer for more than 10 years before starting and founding My Fit Foods. Now almost 20 years later he is helping with more than tasty food.
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