How Much Muscle Can You Gain in a Month?

How Much Muscle Can You Gain in a Month?

Typically, bodybuilders, as well as anyone looking to build up their muscle mass, wonder how quickly they’ll be able to see results. On top of that, it’s normal to wonder just how much muscle can be gained in a month (healthily, of course).

If you’ve been thinking about both of these questions, then you’re in luck. Here, My Fit Foods goes over just how much muscle you can expect to gain in a mere month’s time, along with some other related factors. Are you ready? Let’s talk about muscle!

How the Body Builds Muscle

In order to come to an answer about how much muscle you can possibly build in a month, you first need to understand how muscles are built. They consist of small, microscopic fibers that are wound together and attached to your bones through a series of tendons. When you exercise, you’re actually slightly damaging those fibers, breaking and tearing them.

After you stop your workout for the day, your muscles start to repair themselves, taking care of those tears by creating new fibers, making the muscles stronger and larger in the process. This is why, as you go through your fitness journey, you’re able to progressively lift heavier weights. Your muscles keep repairing themselves and getting stronger as you go along.

Factors To Consider

In general, people can gain between one to two pounds of muscle mass in a month. However, that number depends on several different factors. Some of them you have a lot of control over, like the types of exercises that you do (more on those next), while others are based on your age and overall genetics. For example, the following things can determine how much muscle your body can build:


Weight in this case has more to do with body composition than how much you actually weigh. If you’re new to working out, then you’ll slowly see your body building muscle and burning fat stores, as long as you adhere to a healthy diet. It could take longer to see results, even though your body is creating muscle every time you work out.


Thanks to testosterone, which men typically have more of than women, they are able to build muscle faster. In addition, men can build up their arm and shoulder muscles much easier than women can. This doesn’t mean that women are unable to do the same, but it takes longer.


Did you know that it’s easier for younger people to build muscle more quickly than it is for older people? Hormonal changes are mostly to blame here, especially for men, who see their testosterone levels decrease. While it’s entirely possible to start working out at an older age and still gain muscle, that amount will be lower than it is for someone in their 20s or 30s.

Fitness Level

When you first begin working out regularly, you’ll gain more muscle that initial month than you would normally. This keeps up for the following few months as well. It’s due to the fact that your body is ramping into gear, and that you have muscles that need to be built up. Once you settle into a routine and have an impressive musculature, this number will shrink down a little.

Other Factors To Consider

In addition to all of the factors above, there’s one other to take into consideration. If you were an athlete in the past, such as someone who ran track in high school, played volleyball or swam competitively, or even spent some time on the soccer field with a municipal team, then you’ll be able to get back into shape and build muscle faster than someone who did not. Studies have shown that this type of muscle memory makes it easier to see results faster.

Types of Exercises To Build Muscle

Now that you know how much muscle you can build in a month, it’s time to examine how you can maximize that number. After all, you want to be closer to the two-pound number, right? Here are some useful exercises that you can do to ensure that you meet your goals.

Resistance Training

The term resistance training incorporates a number of different types of exercises. They include things like weight lifting, bodyweight exercises, and more. Any type of movement where you’re lifting something (including part of your own body, like with sit-ups and push-ups) helps you build muscle. In addition, yoga can count as resistance training, because you’re using your muscles to hold your body up while in certain positions.

As far as tools are concerned, resistance training exercises can use free weights, weight machines, resistance bands (made of rubber), exercise balls, suspension training devices, and more. There really is no shortage of options, and you can choose the ones that you like best, or those that you think will help you gain muscle more quickly.

Don’t Forget About Cardio

Although cardiovascular exercises don’t really build muscle, as they’re designed to boost your heart and lungs instead, they are good for helping you lose body weight. This means that you’ll not only be able to track how many calories you’ve burned through the exercises, such as jogging or cycling, but also boost your metabolism as well.

By incorporating some cardio into your fitness routine, you’ll lose the weight that’s preventing you from seeing the muscles that you’ve gained. Plus, you’ll need to take a day or two off from resistance training in order to not overdo it. A cardio day gives your muscles a nice break.

What Else You Can Do

On top of resistance training, there are a few additional things that you can do to ensure that you’re gaining as much muscle as possible via your workouts.

Pay Attention to Your Macros

There are three main macros that you need to keep an eye on. They are protein, carbohydrates, and fat. Each plays a role in providing you with plenty of energy, as well as helping your muscles grow as big and strong as you’d like.

After all, there’s a reason why bodybuilders use protein powder (more on that in a second.) By adding more protein and fats to your diet, you’ll be able to power through those resistance training workouts.

Use Supplements

By supplements, we aren’t suggesting that you do anything dangerous, like taking steroids. Those can be dangerous! On the contrary, we’re suggesting that you incorporate things like protein powder or whey protein into your diet.

You can add them to your shakes and smoothies. The additional protein will help fuel your muscles, ensuring that you get the maximum amount of possible growth from every workout.

Questions About Building Muscle?

Now that you know just how much muscle you can build in a month: one to two pounds and have some good ideas on the exercises you can do in order to ensure that you meet your goals, it’s time to get into the gym and get started.

And remember, you’re not alone! If you have any questions when it comes to nutrition and fitness, feel free to contact us. We’re always here to help.


How Much Muscle Can You Gain in a Month? | Healthline

How Much Muscle Can You Gain in a Month? | Very Well Fit

How Much Muscle Can I Build in a Month? | Men’s Health UK

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About Author: Mario Mendias

Mario was a personal trainer for more than 10 years before starting and founding My Fit Foods. Now almost 20 years later he is helping with more than tasty food.
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